righteousness in america
GOD is in America. That is the "Righteousness in America."
Paperback and eBook Available
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GOD is in America. That is the "Righteousness in America."
Paperback and eBook Available
T he Evil One tried desperately to win the little boy's heart, mind, and soul. An exciting, informative, and interesting story of a little boy, who through his foster mother found God at a very young age. This is the little boy's story as he grew into manhood, joined the worldly activities, actions, and sins of the world.
Righteousness In America is a book about one who was from a very religious home who found God at a very early age. As a little boy sitting on the church bench when his feet could not even touch the floor, he asked God to come and go with him as he grew into manhood. He asked God to guide him, bless him, and protect him and be with him through all the trials and tribulations that he would go through in life. All the trouble that Americans would go through, from young America until the America of today, Satan would use a certain family to help carry out his evil ways in order to dominate America with sin and chaos. He tried vigorously to inflict sin into America through worldly ways. This book is fictional and most of the people are real but recreated by adding new and different characteristics.
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There is a organization that is well organized all over the earth wherever man visits, works, plays, lives, or ventures. The one purpose of this nameless origination is to rule the world through power, authority, and force. All while being invisible to all and any who inquires of the origin of this so powerful organization that is lead by the {The Evil One} Satan, the devil, or his name as an angel, which was Lucifer.
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"Immaculate Conception" in my words Pharaoh said. "First of all, Mary the mother of Jesus Christ, who is also God, was born into the world from birth without sin. She kept her body pure and clean in order to bring forth into this world, the sinless Baby Jesus."
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YaYa was the name of the man-child that would be the bodyguard for 123. YaYa's entire family would be accountable for his actions that he would perform for 123. For it was such a great honor for YaYa's family be known and respected as to be responsible for the one unborn man-child that would protect the other young man-child who would represent this nameless organization.
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123 is a nameless organization figure of high rank of this present day which symbolizes one who can designate power, force, and authority in the name of the nameless organization.
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"How can you do these things to me and my family with no hands?
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You can also purchase Righteousness in America by Herman Pettiford at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.